Saturday, June 23, 2007

Everybody Hates Kwanzaa (Everybody Hates Chris)

Thursday was an 11:30am call time with only 6 kids and probably 60 adults or more. Filming took place on the street and holding was inside an empty building. We knew this was a Christmas/Kwanzaa episode that will air next December. They had many of the background actors dressed in red or green (or both). There was "snow" on the ground and everyone was wearing jackets, mittens and scarves. Damien wasn't used much at all. He might be seen walking down the street and again in front of Chris's apartment but he also may have been too far out of the scene. It was a long day on set and we couldn't wait to grab something to eat on the way home.

Friday he was called back in to be a Corleone student. Only 20 kids were on set yesterday. It was a 9:30am call. This time filming took place inside Corelone Jr High. First 10 kids were called in to film and Damien was not one of them. About 40 minutes later the second set of kids were asked to join them. Damien tells me he was sitting in the classroom while they filmed but soon they took him out and refilmed the same scene. Not long after they took out more kids and filmed it over again. Which one they'll actually use is anyone's guess.

I'm not surprised any more when scenes get cut out. Damien loves doing this and is saving his money, so he was happy to hear he's now considered a regular on the show!

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