Friday, April 27, 2007

Work From Home

We had a couple of birthdays at the house this week (ugh, don't ask) and I came across a website that actually auto-posts a list of people who are celebrating their birthdays. Not a bad idea! I think I'll see about adding that to my business site. After a slow winter things have really started to pick up again with the business. I'm on a hunt for a few more web content (usually keyword) writers. At one time we (my good friend aka ex-business partner) had over 100 writers. I am now down to about 20 good writers. When I invite people to write for me, many assume it's a scam. They think it can't be that easy to get paid to work from home. I love being able to work from home and I'll even write articles myself for extra spending money. I think a work at home job is a great idea for those with kids who are actors and well, really for anyone with young kids who wants to work from home.

On one of Damien's acting jobs I ran into a Mom who was telling us other Mom's how she paid almost $2,000 for a list of agents, managers and breakdowns. Breakdowns are similar to employment opportunities. It will list the name of the project (movie, tv show, etc) and what they are specifically looking for. A breakdown might say, "(Name of tv show), Boy, ages 10-12, ethnic appearance, must be outgoing, must be able to cry on camera (etc)" plus usually more information. Many breakdowns are available online for a small monthly fee. Some breakdowns can only be viewed by your manager or agent. Paying someone a huge amount of money, Iin my opinion, is not worth it. You can find lists of agents and managers online or buy a book that lists current agencies. Save your money! The total cost for my son to get into the acting business, $100. But it doesn't need to cost anything! You can start with a photo you've taken yourself and self-submit your child online, in some places for free or as little as $2 for each submission. Don't fall for any scams!

Another Mom told me she paid over $40 for a work permit. These permits are needed by minors that act. They are available for free from your local county office. Do some research online before paying money for anything. We are new to acting but there are many other Mom's online that can lead you in the right direction. Join a forum for parents of child actors before starting in the biz. When your child gets his or her first job, talk to other Mom's on the set. Not just "one" Mom but several. Expect to get some wrong info since not all Mom's will know about the same hints and tips. Sort out all your info and just use what's best for you and your child.

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