Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!


My son has grown his hair long to donate to Locks Of Love two times so far. He recently had his hair cut a third time and we are waiting to hear back from a casting director that wants him to donate his hair on a tv show. Of course, after much thought, we cut his hair to his shoulders and then two days later someone calls us asking if he will get his hair cut on tv to help a cancer patient. Ugh! I told them he just had it cut and they said they would see if they can work it out where Damien will walk on stage and actually hand his hair over to a little girl with leukemia. He would love to do this and offered to do it for free since his heart is really in helping people with cancer. So currently, his hair sits in a bag here on my computer desk, waiting for another phone call. The casting director also suggested we send this batch of hair to Wigs for Kids if he doesn't get to do the tv show.

Getting ready for a haircut

Donating his hair for the third time

Damien also paints and sells his paintings on greeting cards along with the painting by his best friend K.J. Together they raise money for cancer research. Both boys have had articles written about them in their local newspaper. K.J. gave acting a go for a while but is now busy in college (yes, he's only 12) but now his older sister Jessica may give it a try. She's an absolute beauty (spitting image of her Mom) and we know she'll have a great career as an actress.

Painting by KJ

Painting by Damien

Recently my daughter came for a visit and stayed with us for 10 days. Her and her husband are thinking of moviing back to California where they'd like me to get their 2 yr old daughter into the business. At age 2 it's not that easy. Most films use twins when it comes to the little ones. This helps with hours they are allowed to work. They get "double time" with twins. It's not easy to get work for single babies. Still, I think my granddaughter is just adorable! Any managers out there see the potential? lol


Currently Damien is growing his hair again. So far, he's worked with hair down to his waist with no problem. They slick it back in a tight braid and tuck it inside his shirt. No one has complained and he usual gets compliments about helping cancer patients. His manager believes he would get more work if he cut his hair slightly shorter, but Damien is determined to grow it once again for donation and there's no talking him out of it.

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