Friday, April 13, 2007

CWW and I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry

Looks like the wind was really bad in the valley. Another wind storm is due to hit on Sunday. I wonder what this will mean for Charlie Wilson's War. Meanwhile, when we got the mail today, we saw a check for Damien. Before we opened it we tried to think of what he hadn't been paid for yet. We made a few guesses but nope, he's been paid for everything. Then Damien says, "Oh the Charlie Wilson's War FITTING!" and sure enough, that's what it was. He's never been paid for a fitting before so that was nice.

Taking measurements at Charlie Wilson's War fitting.

I don't think I've mentioned that I am "not" an actor. I work from home on my computer. I have an online business producing articles for websites. I love working from home and being able to spend time with my kids. Another great benefit is working your own hours. If I can't sleep, I can get up and start working. I not only hire writers but I also write some of the content myself. I'm always on the hunt for more articles to write.

Well, what do you know? I'm here writing when my cell phone rings. It's someone from Charlie Wilson's War. He wants to confirm that Damien is able to go to rehearsal on Monday. Then he tells me how Damien will be paid for today (cancelled day) and also full pay on Monday if it gets cancelled again! Wow! That's a lot of money! Especially for sitting at home! How nice is that? I wonder if this is the standard. We've never had a film be postponed before. Guess they are concerned about the wind warning for Sunday night.

Damien works with Nancy again. What a small world.

Damien did a little scene in a movie that was shot at a school. It's called "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry". Starring Adam Sandler and Kevin James. They used tons of kids on this movie so chances of Damien being seen are slim to none. He had a late call. Homebase was held in a parking lot but so close to the school we walked to the set. They did offer bus rides but many just found it easy to walk. We were excited to see Nancy on the set though our kids ended up in different groups.

I took Damien to wardrobe where they approved his own dark maroon shirt. They said most of the boys were in blue so that was a great choice of color. Maybe we can spot him in this film by his shirt. Most of the kids also wore backpacks. We were all asked to bring our own. I had to run out and buy him one, which he has now put to good use. As we were walking back to the holding area (a huge tent) we passed some men playing basketball. I didn't give it much thought till later when I was told that Adam Sandler was one of the men playing basketball! Whoops! I walked right by him and didn't know it.

The holding tent.

We sat at tables with lots of other Moms, kids and adult actors. School was in an attached tent next to us. Damien played his Nintendo DS while waiting to be called. A mom sitting at the table showed me photos on her digital camera of her daughter with Adam Sandler. Apparently he was very nice and met with the kids and parents who had arrived earlier. Some of these kids were dressed in baseball uniforms, and an adult actor sitting next to me was dressed as a baseball coach. Later I heard as each group of kids filmed, Adam would come out just to meet the kids.


Damien had lunch before he was called in to film. He was probably in a group of 20-30 kids. They let the parents go into the library and watch the kids on a monitor. The kids went down the hall for their scene. I couldn't really see much but from what Damien tells me, two men get in a fight in the hallway. One is Kevin James. He grabs a school science project and bats the other man over the head with it. The kids are all shouting, "Fight, fight, fight" and laughing hysterically! Damien said that Kevin James is the funniest guy around. Adam Sandler entered the room to talk to the crew but since Damien was with the last group of kids to film, I suppose Mr. Sandler had a long day and was tired. At least Damien got to see him and I just love Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore!

Going indoors to shoot.

I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry will be in theaters in July 2007. I hear that trailors are being shown in the theater already. We've gone to the show this past week but didn't see it. Everyone is saying it looks like a winner. I hope we can see Damien in the hallway scene so we can scream in the theater! ha ha! It will be our first time seeing him on the BIG screen.

1 comment:

txdave said...

Internet readers tend to return to blogs with a more neutral color.

They also like shorter posts, smaller bites, as well as photos of general interest, see wht I mean:

good luck
